The Guide to Being a Good Cyclist: the Basics
In the city, and particularly in a large metropolitan area like Marseille, pedestrians, cyclists and drivers co-exist every single day among joyous cacophony! Everyone is responsible for public safety. Here’s a little reminder of proper bike riding.
A good cyclist’s equipment:
An informed cyclist makes for a well-equipped cyclist!
Optional equipment... yet highly recommended!
To travel all over Marseille in the best conditions, make sure you have a few additional accessories. One of the essentials: a helmet! Although it’s only mandatory for children under the age of 12, a helmet is highly recommended for all cyclists.
Wearing a helmet can save your life in the event of a fall.
A reflective vest is only mandatory if you’re travelling at night outside urban areas. This means it’s optional in the city. Our bikes are equipped with reflective devices to ensure your visibility.
Legal obligations
The levélo service undertakes to provide bikes in good conditions and well-equipped to guarantee your safety and the safety of all other road users. Our entire fleet meets all legal requirements. Thus, all of our bikes are equipped with brakes, lamps on the front and back, reflectors and a bell. All the essential equipment to be perfectly visible.
A good cyclist’s equipment: Don’t!
Whether in a car or on a bike, holding a mobile phone is absolutely prohibited. In the city, cyclists need to fully concentrate and keep their two hands on the handlebars for their own safety and that of all other users. All levélo bikes have got slots on the handlebars to hold your phone. Likewise, any type of sound device in the ears such as earphones, headphones and helmet speakers is prohibited. These two violations of the Traffic Code are punishable with a €135 fine.
Responsible behaviour
Respect for the Traffic Code
As with any other vehicle on the road, bikes are subject to the Traffic Code which must be respected under penalty of fines. The traffic rules for bikes are much like those for motor vehicles in many aspects. Just like any vehicle driver, cyclists must:
- Stop at the signs (orange light, red light and stop signs). New signs (see photo) are nonetheless now in place at certain stoplights to allow cyclists to pass even if the sign indicates otherwise. These signs are being systematically placed in locations where there is no cross-traffic possible. Even if they give you the legal right to keep going, remain vigilant and slowly go through.

- Respect speed limits and pedestrian priority.
- Respect the direction of traffic; riding in the opposite direction, passing on the right and riding under the influence of alcohol are all prohibited.
- Signal your turns using your arms and check your blind spots before any change in direction.
As a reminder, your blood alcohol level must be lower than 0.25 mg/l of breathed air or 0.5 g/l in the blood (equivalent to 2 glasses).
But no worries! You’ll quickly get into the habit of being a good cyclist. All of these rules and tips are designed to ensure your safety on the road. That’s why it’s essential to have them in mind when getting on your bike. Now that you’re ready, the road’s all yours... But also everyone else’s!